
“My children have participated in a different preschool which I was pleased with, but I had no idea what I was missing with Son-Shine Corner. I wish we would have started here. Their teacher sees the positive attributes of each child and keeps the parents well informed regarding school activities. I love the calendars and “Ask Me About” sheets.”

“My teacher is always so positive about our child’s development even when our child is hesitant about participating in certain activities.”

“Son-Shine Corner has been a wonderful, welcoming place for our family. I also really appreciate how flexible the extended care program is.”

“We used [a different preschool] for years, then switched to Son-Shine Corner this year for my 4 year old twins. We enjoyed [other preschool], but I have to say SSC is SO LOVELY. The curriculum is easily as strong as [other preschool], but also includes a more “spiritual” or “moral” element – one month they might focus on being a good friend, or on being honest for example. There is a religious component, so you have to be comfortable with that. The other thing I like is that they have more opportunities to do things to expand on their learning. Last month they had a person in with exotic animals (rescued) so the kids could learn about it by touching and seeing. This month our class is taking a backstage tour at Lunds bakery as they learn about community helpers. The teachers are terrific. Honestly, I can’t recommend it highly enough. Lovely.”

“The teachers do an excellent job handling conflicts between kids through their teaching of Biblical principles – kindness, forgiveness, Godly principles – amazing!”

“We have had a great experience over the last 5 years and would recommend Son-Shine Corner to everyone. Thank you for loving my family so much.”

“He (my child) cannot wait to get up to go to school and when I pick him up he wants to show me EVERYTHING he did that day.”

“I believe Son-Shine Corner is doing a great job of ministering to our kids and teaching Godly principles.”